Rules and Regulations
- No library material shall be taken away from the premises except borrowed to members.
- Good order and silence shall be maintained in all reading rooms.
- Readers must conduct themselves in an orderly manner.
- Eating and drinking are forbidden in all parts of the library.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited.
- Readers shall neither replace books nor transfer the books from one reading room to another.
- Books shall not be transferred from one person to another.
- Reference books and periodicals will not be issued from the library.
- Books will not be marked with ink or pencil, and readers will be responsible for any damage to books or other reading material.
- Readers shall not damage, mark, or write on any book, periodical, etc., and those who violate this regulation will have to replace items or pay the price of the item along with a penalty according to the library rules.
- Readers shall leave their personal belongings such as books, briefcases, handbags, etc., at the entrance of the library. These belongings will be required to be submitted for inspection while leaving the library.
- Refreshments, ink bottles, and any other material which may accidentally damage library property must not be brought into the library building.
- Mobile phones must be on silent mode.
- No seat is reserved for members. If a seat remains vacant for 30 minutes, it can be occupied by any other member.